Sunday, October 7, 2012


I thought I'd post a few pictures from our routine since we got back from our travels. Antonia is "talking" a lot now, making mini sentences like, "No touch baby doll, Mama, why?" Meaning: Don't let Arthur touch my baby doll, ok, Mama? Arthur is a kid in Antonia's room at the Carriage House (her new school) and he always walks around saying, "Why?" So, like the cat has been renamed "Meow" and the dog, "Vov," Arthur's name is "Why" because that's the sound he makes.

Antonia is eating well (loves pasta, fish, frozen peas, yoghurt, quesadillas, pancakes etc but no meat really) and still loves tormenting Figo by stealing his ball and running around the house to make him chase her. We have been able to be outside a lot, the weather has been grand! We still haven't managed to wean completely, she still wants to nurse in the morning and evening, it's a great transition between sleep/wake. 

I've been working hard writing my first chapter which I have to present at a Dissertation workshop on November 1. I'm hoping to have a polished chapter by then... I'm writing on a play by Bernard-Marie Koltès called Roberto Zucco based on an Italian serial killer who rampaged France in the 80s. Though it's not the most uplifting work, it's going pretty well. The next chapter will be on a comedy so I'm looking forward to that! 

Antonia the cupcake thief

Hi Brooksie!

Snuggles with Imogen and Papa

Mad Mex after a long day at school

Out at La Prima on a Saturday morning. Having a babycino aka foamed milk

Reading with Verona

My friend Memphis got this sofa for his first birthday and I WANT it.
Last weekend we went on an excursion with the Carriage House to Round Hill Farm South of Pittsburgh. It was a farm tour and potluck and playtime. 

Old school slide

Sometimes you realize she's still a baby after all.

Going on a walk with the whole crew.

Antonia had to hold Papa's hand for the whole walk up to Tazza D'Oro last weekend.

Playing with Papa's legos from when he was little!

Our fall visitor who came around the same time last year. Who doesn't believe in aliens? 

We met Papa at Kaya as he was on his way home from work to grab l'apéro. They were so accommodating with Antonia, making her a little cup out of a plastic container and giving her a "kids' meal" of cheese quesadilla and a sliced avocado!

Here we are getting cozy in Monika and Leah's park for Parking Day, where people are supposed to repurpose parking spaces into park spaces.

We forgot about the 18 month appointment, so Antonia got the new round of vaccines at 20 months instead...

Practicing crying

School! It's a fun place to be, but Antonia is still having a hard time saying good bye in the mornings. "No Mama ba bye!"

At Katie and Stefan's wedding the day after we got back from Australia

Practicing putting stuff through the mail slot

Inevitable obsession with Elmo has commenced

Yesterday we went to our first Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra concert as a family. It was the Fiddlesticks family concert and many of the musicians were around Heinz hall showing us how to play their instruments. Antonia love the bassoon. 

Sing along! (sorry for the blur)

Checking out the architecture

In the ladies' room

Teaching Papa how to play Twinkle Twinkle little star, Antonia's new favorite song

Cat photobomb 


So many teeth!

Almost 2 going on 65
Helping Papa caulk

Papa didn't let me touch the caulk!

Eye color??

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