Tuesday, January 28, 2014


When we got back from Christmas in Bozeman we went right along celebrating and partying. Since all three of our birthdays are in Dec-Jan, we have to pack it in. Guillaume and I had a holiday/bday party/poker night and Antonia had several birthday celebrations with her grandparents, daycare friends, and close friends at home. 

Flying to Pittsburgh-home from Bozeman-home

The painting Guillaume got me for Christmas. Pennsylvania countryside by a local artist. Such a nice gift! 

Two Bozeman artists hang by the piano: Susan B. Dabney and June Safford. 

Babis is working on drawing faces that are still quite unrecognizable but come with very elaborate narratives. This is Tilly when she gets mad.

No more naps for this big girl, just quiet time with books and cat.

I decided to throw a holiday birthday party for Guillaume's 35th (and my 32nd) birthdays. I made food for 2 days.

Babis helping with the panettone egg nog bread pudding.

It was an experiment: adults downstairs and the kids (4) upstairs with a babysitter. It worked out very well, except the sleep over we had planned didn't quite happen. Antonia and Tilly ended up falling asleep after 1 am. At least they slept till 10:30 the next morning!

Poker night: Texas hold'em

Our two bellies--3 days before baby Henry was born, 20 minutes before midnight on New Year's Eve! Me at 23 weeks.

Brunch the next morning at Casbah. Simple pleasures. And I wasn't even hung over.

Dinosaur shadow puppets are a big hit with Figo. 

Baking for New Year's Eve party at friends' house. There's so much you can do with a simple sugar-butter dough!

Happy New Year from the whole family!

As is customary of January 1st in this house: Guillaume made a killer dinner that took him hours and hours.  The rest of the year, I cook. 

Babysitter Minh

January 2, Guillaume turned 35!!! Seems so old :)

Yin Yang

Cooking meat on the pierrade that Papa got for his birthday from my mom.

Here's baby Henry, Katie and Stefan's bundle of joy. He's perfect.

We keep getting cold snaps. Figo knows how to stay warm. 

January 14th Antonia turned 3! She got to choose what she wanted for breakfast: chocolate ice cream and frozen blueberries. 


SOMEBODY was spoiled on her birthday. 

She was lucky Grand-mère and Grand-père Tirfoin were here to shower her with gifts!

Mama and Papa got her this dollhouse.

I made the world's most delicious chocolate cake for Antonia's school b-day party and for us at home. I got the recipe off of Smitten Kitchen and it's really to die for. Babis was VERY enthusiastic about it. 

I may not have been the most popular among daycare parents for bringing so much sugar, but the kids approved. 

The weekend after her birthday we had a very small party and since I had just found out I got to the final round of interviews at Dartmouth, I decided to outsource the party. I sent Guillaume out to get cupcakes and pizza while I wrote my job talk. Here is Babis doing a taste test at Vanilla bakery. 

Antonia is "writing some ABCs" with Imogen

She had her four best friends and their baby brothers over for cake and pizza: Verona, Elleana, Tilly, and Imogen: baby bros: Brooksie, Collin, and baby Brooksie

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